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Sensory Circus @Tekka Place

Done during one of our diploma modules: Production Design. 

The target audience is for kids aged 3 - 6 years old. 
This year's theme focuses on building a more sustainable world, through engaging hands-on STEAM challenges. 
This aims to nurture the next generation of eco-warriors capable of bringing positive changes to the world. 
Our team chose the sustainability theme, Animal Advocate and came up a proposal. 

Our team was one of the two teams to be shortlisted from our cohort. 
This was a project originally with Science Centre KidsSTOP, however due to Covid-19, they were not able to accept our collaboration and it had to be postponed in August, making its return as a Local Service Learning Project (LSLP) with Tekka Place in December. 

Therefore, our original idea of a sensory trail had to be tweaked to focus on a main activity related to animals and sustainability and we came up with Magneto Friendios. 


Original Sensory Trail ideas:

Mini Land Animal Exhibition 

steam fest koala.jpg

Sorting Game
to test the children's knowledge after going through the different exhibitions 

steam fest bin.jpg

Reflection Booth
Using emoji's for visual reference to allow children to rate their experience 

steam fest feedback box.jpg

Prototyping in RP @Atelier 
How can we make use of the vines and leaves to design our exhibition?
Can we use it on a mascot who will walk the children through?  

steam festi.jpg

Magento Friendios:

Prototyping Process

prototyping process 1.jpg
prototype final.jpg

Bump In Day @Tekka Place 

Pre setting necessary items 
Pre setting each animal in its own bag for sanity reasons 

bump in 2.jpg
bump in 1.jpg

Sensory Circus @Tekka Place 

During the project, we aided the children by explaining to them the instructions and giving assisance if necessary 

gwen in action 1.jpg
gwen in action 2.jpg
gwen in action 3.jpg

Bump Out @Tekka Place 

Photo of our team during after Bump in day and
after Bump out of the venue respectively

team photo 1.jpg
team photo 2.jpg
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